The job market has been intense over the past couple of years. With many companies laying off employees, it’s led to an influx of candidates looking for a new job. And that leads to the potential of hundreds of candidates applying for your vacant positions.

As a small or medium size business, that can be overwhelming. Especially if you are managing the recruitment process manually.

However, this is the perfect opportunity to build your employer brand and become memorable with candidates –  for all the right reasons. To help with this, we’ve pulled together steps you can take to make sure both applicants and candidates have an excellent first impression of your company.

Don’t Ghost

This first as it’s a hot topic for job seekers right now. And the one that can really damage to your brand. When a candidate has taken the time to apply for your role, prepare for and attend interviews, the least an employer can do is show respect for the candidates time and their interest in your organization.

Acknowledge all applicants

Let applicants know you’ve received their application, thank them for applying and tell them when they’ll hear from you next. This can be an automated email.

Not moving an applicant through to the interview process?

Send them an email and thank them for their time applying and the interest they showed in your organization. An automated email is better than receiving nothing at all.

Not taking a candidate to the next stage?

If a candidate has attended an interview, online or in person, you should call them to let them know they haven’t been selected for the next stage. Provide them with any relevant feedback that will help with their job search and thank them for their time.

Not offering a candidate a role?

Let them know as soon as possible. Don’t drag out the process. Candidates are smart and know if there’s a delay between their final interview and an offer, that they are probably not the preferred candidate. Not only should you provide detailed feedback at this stage, offer to connect with others hiring a similar role.

Be clear, transparent and truthful on your job ads

Start the recruitment process off on the right foot. Have a job ad that provides all the key information an applicant would need to know when making an informed decision about whether or not to apply for the role. It saves both you and the candidate time.

State the salary

Be transparent on the salary band, day rate or hourly rate for the role. Does the salary include or exclude pension or superannuation contributions? Do you offer any additional benefits like health insurance?

Hybrid or Remote?

If your role is a hybrid, be clear on the number of days employees are expected to be onsite or in the office. If you are advertising your role as remote, make sure it’s truly remote. Don’t mislead applicants. Be upfront if you expect some in-person days from them.

Have a simple application process

A candidate’s perception of your organization starts from the moment they make the decision to apply. Do you make it easy for them to submit an application or do they need to jump through frustrating and unnecessary hoops? Make it easy for them to show you they want to join your incredible company.

Cover Letters

Are a great way to get insight into applicants but let them know what you want them to showcase in the cover letter. Give them some direction that will help put their best foot forward. Also, if no one actually reads the cover letter, don’t ask applicants to write one.


Are you making candidates attach their CV and then also asking them to fill out a form with exactly the same information? Why? This is where you lose great candidates. Many won’t waste their time duplicating efforts. Is actually your tech stack that’s failing you at this stage?

Only ask for the information you need

At the early stage application process, unless critical for the role, applicants should only provide basic personal information. No need for them to provide a detailed insight into their lives before you decide to interview them. Ask for relevant information, at the relevant stage of the recruitment process.

Outline the recruitment process

Provide applicants with a clear outline of your recruitment process. They’ll be applying for and interviewing with different companies, be transparent about the stages in your process and what’s required of them and helping you stand out from the competition.

How many stages?

What’s the total number of interview rounds candidates need to go through? How long will those interviews run for? What’s your timeline for making an offer? Be clear with them what their time commitment will be.

Task or no task?

Will you require a candidate to undertake a task as part of the recruitment process? Be mindful of the unpaid work you are asking someone to do, make sure your tasks don’t exceed an hour or two (including preparation work). For more complex tasks, respect their time and consider paying them for their time and output.

Document the process

Provide candidates with a pdf or a landing page with information on your recruitment process. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your company culture, values and what it’s like to work at your organization. Make them feel part of the team before they even start.

It’s important to remember that the recruitment process is a two way evaluation process. So while you’re evaluating potential candidates, they are evaluating whether or not you’re the type of company they want to work for. Make sure you lead with your best foot forward and build an employer brand that everyone loves.

HR Partner can help you automate and streamline your recruitment process – from job ad to job board, through the entire recruitment cycle and then onboarding. We make recruitment easy for small to medium sized businesses. Book a demo or start a free trial today.

How to build a recruitment process that makes you an employer of choice

Category: Employer BrandingRecruiting