Company CultureEmployee ManagementHR Tools

The Olympic Games are a global phenomenon, bringing excitement and …disruption to workplaces. As a HR professional, you know the struggle of managing leave requests and maintaining productivity during these mega-events. But fear not! This playbook equips you with winning strategies for navigating the Olympic wave and keeping your team engaged. Here are some practical […]

HR Tools

Do you spend countless hours wrestling with spreadsheets and formulas while your team dreams of palm trees and exotic adventures? We’ve all been there. Leave calculations can be a real nightmare, especially with all those complex factors to juggle. Which is why we’ve simplified the process for you. Introducing the HR Partner Leave Calculator: Your […]

Managing time
Company CultureHR Tools

If anyone needs to master time management, it’s HR professionals! But time management isn’t just about keeping track of your hours. It’s a holistic approach that involves organizing, planning, and scheduling tasks to maximize productivity and effectiveness. When done correctly, mastering the clock can help achieve more quality work in less time. Whereas inefficient use […]

Return to Office Best Practices

It can be hard to navigate the “new normal” as we adapt further into a post-pandemic world. As companies contemplate the transition back to physical offices, HR professionals and business leaders have the challenging task of determining what will work best for their workforce. While some companies might benefit from in-person collaboration, others could find […]

Employee Appreciation
Company CultureEmployee ManagementEmployee Retention

You might spend a large portion of your time thinking about your employees, but do they even know you care? As most successful business operators know, the real game-changers behind successful companies, are the people. The old playbook of merely meeting basic employee needs is outdated and the modern workforce demands flexibility, inclusivity, and a […]