transitioning to working from home
Employee ManagementHR Tools

The Covid-19 virus has had many impacts on individuals, but one theme we’re consistently hearing from the companies we speak with is that there is unlikely to be a “return to normal”. Most companies were required to adopt work from home arrangements due to the pandemic, but now that the initial roadblocks have been overcome, […]

performance review templates
Employee ManagementEmployee RetentionHR Tools

There are many benefits associated with conducting regular performance reviews. In fact, performance reviews or performance appraisals are one of the most underused and misunderstood management tools available. Particularly in small businesses, performance reviews tend to be postponed or neglected in favor of more urgent matters. This is especially true as often, neither the manager […]

Time Tracking Without Employees Feeling Micromanaged
Company CultureEmployee ManagementHR Tools

It can be challenging finding a balance between tracking employee time and giving staff members complete time management autonomy. On the one hand, tracking and scrutinizing employee time can make staff feel policed. On the other hand, daily time tracking can decrease productivity leaks by 80%. Fortunately, there is a middle ground. To help you […]