Employee ManagementHR ToolsRecruiting

HR Partner is proud to be a winner of the Top Performer award from SourceForge, the world’s largest software reviews and comparison website. 23 May 2024– HR Partner, the complete HR software system for small to medium sized businesses, today announced that it has been awarded a Spring 2024 Top Performer Award by SourceForge, the […]

Company CultureEmployee RetentionRecruiting

The workforce has undergone significant changes over the past few years, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 accelerated the evolution of how we work. As companies across the globe quickly adapted and restructured to remote working, this model surprisingly proved to be successful, even boosting productivity among some organizations. While the traditional in-person 9-to-5 work […]

How to do a Reference Check

So you’ve gone through the recruiting process and think you’ve found the ideal candidate for your role? Don’t skip this crucial step of doing a reference check. Although this can be time-consuming and may seem unnecessary if you’re besotted with your favorite candidate, a reference check is always a good idea. Yes, it’s tempting to […]

Best Interview Questions

For seasoned HR professionals, conducting job interviews is usually second-nature. But for those of us that run businesses or specialize in other roles, it’s not always so obvious. If you’re about to step into an interview, we’ve prepared a quick guide to the best interview questions that can be adapted for almost all roles. In […]